Sunday, March 3, 2019

Hand Quilting and Lucy

I was busy piecing with my sewing machine this week and didn't get much hand quilting accomplished.

The right side border has been quilted.
The first right applique block has been quilted.

I've started this block, it will quilt fast. I just need to stitch around the outside of the applique. 

Lucy was a priority last week, all the sections have been stitched together!

I need to baste 30 more of the elongated hexies. I know I had said it was 40 before but thankfully it's only 30. I'm not sure when I'll get those basted. As I said before, I'm so happy that I decided to not make the full sized quilt. I love the way she looks but I haven't enjoyed the process like I thought I would.

I have more Amaryllis blooming. They are such a bright sight this winter. We haven't had a lot of sunshine this winter.

I have another Amaryllis with 5 blooms!

See in the center, the 5th one is just opening.

There is also a another plant that is just opening, I can see it has a teeny, tiny flower bud in the center too!

I guess these bulbs just needed last winter to rest, they sure are doing well this year

The large green planter holds all the 'babies' that have unattached from the large bulbs when I transplant them. I planted them all in one large pot. Someday they'll be big and have blooms too.

I used to have a group of the 'intermediate' sized bulbs but I gave those away. Some of those might bloom this year, but eventually they all will.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, HQAL, Oh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell MondayMonday MakingDesign Wall MondayBOM's AwayMoving It Forward


  1. I love your pretty amaryllis. Lucy is looking great. Sometimes we find that we just don't enjoy a process and it becomes a "one time only" project. As usual, your quilting is wonderful.

  2. My amaryllis bulbs are going too, the white one is in full bloom and a red one should open today or tomorrow. Pretty appliques.

  3. You certainly have a green thumb with amaryllis! They are beautiful, as is your quilting. The Lucy Boston project is pretty and will make a lovely table topper. It is good to try new things.

  4. love all your flowers! do you plant yours directly in the ground for the warm months? That quilting is just beautiful - what batting did you use?

    1. Once the danger of frost is over, I remove the plants from the pots and plant directly into soil. Water them in well, mulch them and ignore them until time to dig them up in the fall. I love quilting with wool batting, just stitches so wonderful!

  5. Im with you on EPP no something i enjoy. As always such pretty stitches

    1. Several years ago I EPP'd a Grandmother's Flower Garden and I enjoyed it so much. Lucy just doesn't thrill me.

  6. I'm with you Gretchen, a little EPP goes a long way with me too! Your amaryllis are a wonderful sight during this very cold winter! ♥️ Your hand quilting!

  7. Beautiful stitching, I always love seeing your progress. Your amaryllis are beautiful!

  8. Your hand stitching is beautiful and I loved seeing your blooms. You are so right about the flowers brightening the darker days. I even find my green plants help too.

  9. oh Gretchen.. your quilting progress is great and your Lucy progress is stupendous... I love what you shared with the Amaryllis nursery too :)

  10. We had two big Amaryllis this year - I'm going to try to remember to set them outdoors when it warms up. (Though the critical thing to remember is to bring them back IN in the fall!)
    I go through phases with EPP - sometimes it's fun and other times it isn't. I can see where Lucy would wear on you relatively fast. Hexies are so much easier!

  11. Beautiful hand quilting, beautiful POTC, beautiful flowers ... you are surrounded in beauty of your own design ... :) Pat

  12. I love it when I get a break from a big number because I mistakenly thought I'd need more!

  13. Your Lucy section is lovely but I couldn't see me doing even that much. So good for you having such dedication. Your flowers are gorgeous. Enjoy the blooms.

  14. PA is coming along! Close to a finish! I love your Lucy Boston the colors are striking - you stuck to it longer than I did!! Those flowers are absolutely beautiful. I do not have a green thumb - I kill plants! Now Clay has a green thumb. We will have a late Spring!

  15. Whether it's a few stitches or many, your post never disappoint.

  16. Love the flowers but really love your Lucy blocks!!!!! Beautiful

  17. Your Lucy blocks are amazing and I love your appliqué! I don't see any marking lines for the cross-hatching you're quilting, though. How do you keep the lines so beautifully straight without marking them ahead of time? Are you just a quilting magician or is there another way to do it without marking (that mere mortals can learn?). ;-)
