Sunday, February 24, 2019

Week 19 Hand Quilting

My post is later today. I didn't have time to write last week before leaving for the guild's annual retreat. More about that later.

I've been hand quilting the Pastor's Attic quilt for 19 weeks now. I'm halfway finished with the 4th applique row.

This was a short week of quilting since I left Thursday morning for retreat.

This block quilted fast, just needed to stitch in the ditch around the points.

This block took longer, lots to quilt around.

The right side border. This photo is being shy and doesn't want to appear correctly. I'll attach it when it or blogger decides it's ok.

Linking to The Peacock PartyKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Show & Tell Monday with Bambi, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away!, Monday Making


  1. Gorgeous quilting as usual. Congratulations on your progress!

  2. Beautiful work, I love visiting, because you always inspire me!

  3. With each week your beautiful hand quilting is a joy to see. I love the progress you are making.

  4. beautiful quilting... I tried doing my photos of quilting without any ambient or direct light on and LOVED the results when there was just a bit of sunlight coming in the window best... I love your quilting and your photos :D Kathi

  5. Gorgeous! Your quilting is really enhancing those beautiful blocks!

  6. Oh wow, that is just lovely! I am planning on handquilting a quilt soon, but not sure if I can do it as neat as you! xx

  7. Looking good! Lots of work in this quilt! It is a beauty!

  8. Beautiful...your quilting is wonderful and precise too!

  9. Your hand quilting is beautiful. Thank you for linking up with the Peacock Party.

  10. I love seeing this each time. The easy blocks are like little gifts, aren't they? So nice to breeze through them quicker than the others take. Everything looks so pretty, though.
