Sunday, February 3, 2019

Quilting Progress

It was cold last week and this old farm house isn't very warm when the temps are frigid and the wind is high. Several years ago we installed a small gas heater in the dining room (which we never use to eat in). The downstairs stayed cozy warm, the upstairs (where my sewing machine is), not so warm. I sewed the binding on the string quilt Tuesday morning with my sewing machine before the temperature dropped. The rest of the week was spent downstairs in hand work.

I quilted all the way across row 3, progress!

Right side border.

Left side border.

This week I will quilt the seam line between the blocks of row 3 and 4.

Lucy saw some progress this week too. I completed 2 side sections and 3 of the corners. Corner 4 is being stitched now. I need 2 more side sections and then the sections will start being stitched together.

I also started a new dishcloth. You can see it at the top of the Lucy sections.

Linking to Peacock PartyKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Show & Tell MondayMonday Making, Design Wall MondayBOM's AwayMoving It Forward, WIPs On Wednesday


  1. As always your hand quilting is lovely. Your Lucy project is coming along nicely too. I think hand stitching downstairs in the warmth is an excellent idea. Hope it is a little warmer this week.

    1. I see from your blog you are located in Tasmania. The pictures look beautiful! This past week the Midwest in the US had subzero temperatures along with wind chill factor. It was dangerous out and the local schools cancelled for 3 days. That system has moved on through and we're above freezing now and the snow/ice is melting. When I look out my windows now, I see dreary brown/green grass. Your post cheered me up, such happy colors!

  2. You've been quite busy. I love your quilting. Lucy and the dishcloth are pretty.

  3. Your hand quilting is always so beautiful! I think it's a good idea to sit with hand quilting down the room which is hot now when it's winter. :-)

  4. as always your stitching is so pretty. Aren't you glad that cold spell is gone - you had it colder than I and I thought it was cold enough! So glad that is gone now and I hope it doesn't come back this winter!! I'm ready for flowers and green grass I don't care that I am that one that normally mows it I just want to be outside again on a regular basis.

  5. It was really cold here too! My sewing room is nice and warm so I spent my evenings there this past week. Looks like you had a great week of handwork!

  6. I love your progress on Pastor's Attic and LOVE that you shared how your upstairs is less heated than your downstairs... this is exactly how the house I grew up most of the time at my grandparents was... there was a wall heater up there but you had to turn it on an hour before bedtime to get warm and it was expected that you turned it off as soon as you woke to save electric too... Enjoy the sewing on of the binding on your string quilt and your Lucy blocks got some action ... that is nice Gretchen and I love the dishrag you started... I have a bunch my bestie knitted or crochet for me... I love them and sooo durable! We use them all the time!!! Have a warm and blessed Sunday friend :) Kathi

  7. Stay warm! I am so impressed, a whole row?! That EPP project looks very cool.

  8. We used to live in northern Illinois in an old farmhouse and know how that is. Enjoy seeing your progress!

  9. Your string quilts are so wonderful. I love them. And such great quilting/progress on these projects. My sewing room at the far end of the house is also cold and I have to use a portable heater in there. BTW, Hubby and I have watched Lark Rise to Candleford through twice now...just love it.

  10. Beautiful hand quilting. I'll be interested to see how your Lucy Boston develops. My mum is making one too. Thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.

    1. I'm not making the full size quilt. My Lucy will have only 6 blocks. I'm glad I'm not making the whole thing as long as it's taking to make a little one. It's a beautiful quilt though.

  11. the hand quilting is so lovely - and the quilt is amazing

  12. I couldn't believe how cold the weather was where you are!! We have family in Illinois and they were so very cold. You got so much quilting done! the rows look so perfect!

  13. Looking good Gretchen and glad it is warming up - I bet we reach 80 in the next few days before it cools down again! Yukky weather now. PA is really going to be a beauty.

  14. The quilting is lovely. Hope this week allows you back in the sewing room!

  15. Oh, gosh! Yes, I would be hunkered down with the hand quilting, too, with the intense cold you guys have had. I really love seeing how much the crosshatching accentuates the applique.
