Sunday, October 28, 2018

Week 3, Quilting Pastor's Attic

Three weeks of quilting have been completed on the Pastor's Attic quilt. I had thought that I might pick up some speed with the quilting once I got used to quilting again, but that's not happening. It takes me a week to get from the right side of the quilt to the left. This quilt is just going to take a long time to quilt.

There may be less diamond stitching in the applique blocks but I need to stitch around all the applique. 

Last week I told you I was quilting up into the appliqued blocks but working around the marked corners. This is what I was talking about.

Next week I'll have quilting in the applique blocks and you'll be able to see the corner designs.

A full side view.

I've been trying to get back into baking every week. I've been baking bread on Saturdays for several weeks and now that autumn is here, fall desserts are making their way into the kitchen too.

This is  Apple Custard dessert. The custard does look very yellow but I have my own laying hens and their yolks are much darker than eggs from a grocery store.

The is a recipe from the days long ago when I subscribed to Taste of Home magazine so it's a copyrighted recipe. I like it because it's not overly sweet. The farmer likes it because he likes any dessert.

I didn't work on any Lucy stitching this week. Those needlebooks kept me busy whenever I wasn't quilting.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, HQAL, Show & Tell Monday With BambiMonday MakingDesign Wall MondayBOM's AwayMoving It Forward, Jo's JunctionEsther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. I always feel your quilting is amazing. Your Apple Custard dessert looks delicious. Fabulous that you have your own laying hens.

  2. I can see why it takes so long to get across the quilt! Lovely quilting ! I’m looking forward to seeing the next part when you roll the quilt Yummy dessert too

  3. Your quilting is absolutely! Your apple custard dessert is making my tummy rumble! Have a fun day slow stitching! :)

  4. quilting a grid takes time but it is soothing work. Your dessert looks great. I want to get back into baking too but need to keep it at a minimum - hubby really does need to loose weight. Must be nice to have laying hens!

  5. That diamond grid really makes the appliqué stand out; it is beautiful! Is that a full quilt frame I see in the pictures?🙂

    1. This is a grace hand quilting frame so I can quilt along the edge of the quilt as opposed to using a hoop. I've always had a quilting frame. This is a step up from the old sticks and stands I used to use. That really took up space. I really like this frame and it leaves plenty of room for the grands to play around.

  6. Gretchen, I just love the looks of your quilting on your frame on this quilt... don't be hard on yourself just enjoy the hours you get to quilt... every stitch you make is one you don't have to make again! lol My best friend tells me this when I get disappointed in my speed. If you hurry you are taking the zen out of quilting though really... ponder who this quilt is for and how enjoyable it will be to sleep under when all those little stitches are complete.
    How nice to have your own laying hens and all those fresh eggs to enjoy! Esp for cooking things like pies.. send me one please! yummy really!!!
    I am glad you took the week off the Lucy blocks and focused on something different :) Kathi

  7. I have all my old Taste of Home Magazines. That Apple Custard Tart looks delicious. You are making steady progress on your quilt. I looks very pretty.

  8. Your quilt is going to be a masterpiece!

  9. Lovely quilting! Your pie looks yummy. I love making bread come cooler weather,warms my kitchen up.

  10. Gretchen, your quilting is gorgeous, and it doesn't matter how long it takes, it is simply beautiful. I saw from a previous comment that you have a Grace frame. I just bought one (an EZ3) at auction, it's about 10 years old. Having never used a frame before and not knowing anyone close by who does, I hope I can come to you if I have any questions when loading it for the first time. I hope to put my first quilt on it right after the new year, since it will need to go in the dining room and I need to wait until all the holiday company departs. Your apple custard looks wonderful, hopefully I'll find a similar recipe. We don't have access to farm fresh eggs anymore, but I always loved them especially when making pierogi for the holidays.

    1. I'd be glad to help you with your frame if I can. In your instructions, there should be a page with loading instructions. I still have to use these when I load my frame. If you don't have directions for your frame, they are available from the Grace Co. My husband doesn't like to take stuff apart so my frame is a permanent fixture in our home.

  11. Your quilting is gorgeous! The custard dessert looks amazing!

  12. Beautiful quilting, so even! And that pie looks delicious!

  13. Beautiful quilting! It reminds me that I need to get my hand quilting project back out now that cooler weather is hear. Your dessert looks scrumptious.

  14. Your quilt is amazing and I really love the grid pattern. Hand quilting does take such a long time but it's totally worth it in the end. I too have my favorite recipes from Taste of Home! I still pick up the new ones at the grocery store!

  15. Even a quilt that will take a while to finish has great esthetic value - it must be so pretty in the room the frame is set up in. Your apple custard looks delicious - I'm always searching for desserts that are less sugary. I just don't care for the super-sweet taste of most recipes.

  16. Stunning quilting! Your PA will be a showcase quilt! Now to the Apple Custard...........looks so yummy!!!
    Great work and I know that the pin cushions and needle books took a lot of your time! Hugs.

  17. OH YUMMM. I'll have to read back to see more of the quilt you are working on. What I can see it looks beautiful. Denise @ fortheloveofgeese

  18. Thank you for your inspiration today at the Show and Tell Monday !!Bambi

  19. Your hand quilting is perfection! I have tried it, and it requires practice, as in everything in life. You have got the process down very well. It does take a lot of time, but so worth it. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Monday. Judy

  20. That apple custard dessert looks so yummy
