Sunday, October 7, 2018

Lucy Boston & the Pastor's Attic Quilt

First I'm going to show you the photo of the block I made the end of September, you know, the one that ended up in the cyberspace abyss.
This block was completed this week.

You never know what the block is going to look like until it's finished.
I've also sewn several of the 4 patches that go in the corner of each section. I need to get the fabric cut for the colored squares. 

They're not all matching pieces but they'll do.

The priority project this week was to finish the marking of the Pastor's Attic quilt. That took awhile because I marked an allover diamond background. 
First I marked corners of the quilt with various stencils. I had taken a picture of this earlier which also disappeared into cyberspace so this is a retake. I forgot to tape it down for the retake. This is important because you do NOT want the stencil to slide while you are marking a quilt. Taping two sides of the stencil works for me.

When I was marking the diamonds, I put tape on the outside of the corner markings to keep from marking the corner design. 

You can erase the markings with a fabric eraser (the label on the eraser says FACTIS extra soft, purchased at my local fabric store), but erasing is hard on the fabric. That is another reason to mark lightly.

After I've marked the diamonds on the block, I remove the tape and carefully mark the lines to the edge of the design mark. Once the applique blocks are marked, I marked the borders.

For  years I have used silver pencils but I read on Sue Garman's website that she recommends Paper Mate Sharpwriter #2 fine point pencils. Supposedly the markings will wash out. I haven't tried it but I did test the eraser on a scrap of fabric. Don't use it, the crumbs are pink/red colored and you don't want that on your quilt, at least I don't. Use a Factis eraser, it's white and the crumbs easily brushed away.

Anyway, the quilt is finally in the frame and a new quilting journey has begun. I'm using a variegated YLI quilting thread and my new copper thimble. 

Wool batting stitches so nicely, the thread just glides through the layers. 

This quilt is going to be in the frame for most of the winter. I hope you all don't get tired of reading about it.

Here is a link to past posts about the Pastor's Attic Quilt.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, HQAL, Show & Tell Monday With Bambi, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away, Moving It ForwardEsther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. Another lovely new EPP block. Your Pastor's Attic quilt is looking fabulous. You do amazing hand quilting. I am going to enjoy visiting your place over the next little while to see your quilting progress.

  2. I love watching quilting progress. That variegated thread is beautiful. I haven't seen it before. Your blocks are beautiful. It is amazing how the value of the fabrics change this block. The first looks like a flower while the second reminds me of a snowflake. They are both gorgeous.

  3. I LOVE your blocks... LOVE your quilting and your whole post on how you premarked your whole top! I love to take time to premark my tops ... but usually find myself with dark quilts or colored quilts that need chalk to mark and that doesn't get pre done for me... enjoy your light pencil marks... if you pitch a little squirt of Palmolive dish soap in the washer when you wash it ... it is different from Dawn et al... and helps remove pencil itself if you google how to remove pencil marks from quilts it is a small part of the homemade spritz you can make to remove it as you go... I don't recommend removing it as you go but do recommend the Palmolive! lol Kathi

  4. So gorgeous. Love your work! ;^)

  5. Love your beautiful blocks! Great work!

  6. You are so productive. Love those Lucy Boston blocks.

  7. I just love the effect of the diamonds when quilted, such a beautiful project! I am so glad you have joined the group Gretchen, your projects are unique and lovely, and will inspire all of us!

  8. Welcome Gretchen...I absolutely love the first 2 blocks! Block envy at my end....gorgeous work! ~ Sharon

  9. Coincidence...I just bought a copper thimble too and some YLI quilting thread. I have used it for machine quilting but not hand quilting. I will have to give it a try....maybe even this winter!!

  10. I take you hand sewed the blocks together, their beautiful! Your quilting is lovely,and I don’t think I’ll get tired of seeing it!

  11. Those blocks are incredible! Each one is so unique. The quilt is wonderful; you have beautiful stitches!

  12. Lucy Boston blocks are fascinating. All of Sue Garmen's patterns are awesome. Wool batting is nice to hand quilt. Have not yet seen a copper thimble. Keep us posted on that. You have a good start on your winter quilting project.

  13. Very very nice on the Lucy Boston!!! Your diamond quilting will really make this quilt unique! Love the background fabric. Your quilting is perfect - you are so talented! I will never tire of the posts on quilting! Have a great day! Hugs

  14. Thank you for sharing the info on how you mark a quilt. We appreciate all the tips and product recommendations... we benefit from your experience! Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  15. The diamond quilting looks beautiful on the quilt. Thanks for the tips on marking.

  16. Such wonderful hand-stitching. Lovely wonderful blocks and your Pastor's Attic quilt is looking fabulous!


  17. I'm looking forward to seeing your hand stitching progress throughout the winter!

  18. Your quilting is beautiful. Thank you for the walk through of how you mark your quilts and what you use. I am new to hand quilting and appreciate the tips.

  19. Keep posting EVERYTHING! Your work is beautiful!

  20. I never get tired of reading about your "Pastor's Attic" quilt. I am looking forward to the end product.

  21. Oh Gretchen great blog and so much to learn from it. Great tutorial on the pencils and great tip on the erases. Like the idea of adding the tape to avoid over marking. Your diamonds are so so perfect, years of practice there!!!!! How beautiful this quilt is going to be. I was amazed at how different the first two blocks look, they look like two different patterns completely????? Both stunning, they must be such fun to watch grow and change when the pieces are added. Hugs glenda

  22. Love your beautiful blocks! Great work!

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