Sunday, September 9, 2018

Lucy Boston - Patchwork of the Crosses

Several weeks ago, maybe even a month ago, I mentioned that I was prepping an EPP project. I've had the fabrics for Lucy Boston's Patchwork of the Crosses for years and the start has finally happened.

I'm planning on making twelve blocks and making sure I really enjoy EPP'ing these blocks. If I do, then I'll make more. Time will tell if I make all the blocks.

The back ground fabric is this lovely cream with a small dot. It did take years to find a fabric that I really liked. Maybe I was too picky but when working on a project that might take years, I wanted to make sure I really liked the fabrics.

So far I've cut holes in this fabric. 

In real life it is much prettier.
Here is what I've completed so far, the first of the twelve blocks.

I can't believe how red these look. Oh well.

Another center has been completed since the picture was taken. I do have other fabrics but decided to cut several centers out of the above fabric since it was out.

We'll see how much progress I make this week. 

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingShow & Tell Monday With BambiLove Laugh Quilt, Design Wall MondayBOM's Away, Em's ScrapbagEsther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. Wow!!! Wow!!! and WOW!!!! I love that you have started this pattern and from that one piece of fabric got such unique blocks!!! AMAZING :) You really have a handle on the right kinds of fabrics to choose for the block centers and the background fabric is unique and fun on it's own too... enjoy your epp...I will enjoy watching this project get worked on.
    I have a project that has been marinating a LOOOONG time for me to... maybe I will get to that project next year... this year is all spoken from but I look at it often and hope to start it during a cool spring day some year soon! Glad you are starting your Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses NOW :D

  2. Your fabric is beautiful and gives so much variety for your block centres with the fussy cutting! I’m looking forward to seeing these blocks grow.

  3. Oh my! Your fussy cutting makes these pieces pop! Beautiful!

  4. These are gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing how you will set them.

  5. I love your fussy cutting for these blocks -- it's stupendous! When you add the rest of the blocks around the centers, they probably won't be quite so strikingly red, if that's bothering you! I think they're very striking! I adore the POTC blocks -- they're such fun to work on! :)

  6. Wow these fabrics and the fussy cutting is going to make for a beautiful quilt

  7. WoW! It looks amazing! Beautiful fabrics and blocks!

  8. Oh my goodness this is beautiful. The fabric is so versatile! I will watch your journey with interest!

  9. Very pretty, Gretchen! You are good at making the designs. I take f-o-r-e-v-e-r to finish one. Are you that methodical? I will be anxiously watching your progress!

  10. Cutting holes you say.... I say making swiss cheese. You are doing great.... I love EPP and having the hand work for what ever whenever....

    Do you realize how hard it is to read your blog.... those of us with old eyes find the light font very hard to read.... FYI

    1. Thank you for pointing out the font is too light. I won't use that font anymore. I don't like blogs that use a normal size font, that's hard for me to read too.

  11. These are just beautiful, fussy cutting is perfect for these. Beautiful!

  12. Lovely....I have made several of these blocks and love making them. Such fun! Just have too many projects on my list! Love how you are knocking off your list. I read every blog...just don't always respond because my ipad won't let me and I don't always get to the computer. But I love watching your progress and gorgeous projects! Carrolyn V

  13. This is going to be beautiful. Denise@fortheloveofgeese

  14. The crosses are beautiful!! Your fussy cutting is perfect and eye grabbing. Will love to see the finished blocks.

  15. Love the fussy cutting .... . I've made stacks of blocks ..... :

    1. I've seen your blocks, they're beautiful and such an inspiration!

  16. Gorgeous! I have the plastic template and paper pieces and even some fabric. I really ought to give mine a go too. After seeing you start, it's making my fingers itch to get started! Lovely!!!

    1. Sometimes you just need to say it's time to start now! I'm not going to set a record for getting this project finished. That's the beauty of slow stitching, it's there when you have the time. When you don't have the time, it patiently waits.

  17. Oh Gretchen this is going to be one stunning quilt, your fabric you are using now has so many possibilities for fussy cutting, this is going to be so exciting watching your cross quilt grow. Just lovely the crosses you have fussy cut so far. Keep having fun looking forward to next week to see what you have made. Cheers Glenda.

    1. It's the fussy cutting that makes this pattern so lovely. I don't know if all my fabrics will work for fussy cutting, but I have them now and that's what I'm going to use! So far this week I've been basting hexies.

  18. Thank you for your participation this week at the Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi
