Sunday, September 16, 2018

Challenge Wallhanging

I'm not posting about my EPP progress this week because I didn't make any. I have something else to show you.

In June I posted about a fat quarter challenge our guild had issued. You can read about the challenge here.

I participated in this challenge and made a wallhanging. A week ago I pick up the wallhanging from the long arm quilter, Lori Null. She did a great job on the quilting. I had told her to quilt whatever she thought would look nice.

After finishing the Wilfred & Cloves flimsy, I got busy and attached the binding by machine then spent time slow stitching the binding to the back side of the quilt. I used fabrics left from the fat quarters for the binding.

The pattern was a mystery BOM with Country Lane Quilts called Friendship Garden. The quilt measures 26" square.

I won't be keeping this wallhanging. I will be donating it to the  Mennonite Women USA Housewarmer Project.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Show & Tell Monday With Bambi, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away, Moving It Forward, Charity Quilts


  1. This is such a pretty wall hanging filled with pretty colour and pattern. Love the addition of the pretty flowers in the corners and the middle. Such a lovely finish.

  2. I think your fussy cutting really added so much to this piece. I love the variety of fabric too! Well done!

  3. Your wall hanging turned out great for a mystery! Very fun fussy cutting. I also loved the Wilfred & Cloves finish. Beautiful colors.

  4. I agree that the fussy cutting just made this quilt. Congrats on a great finish.

  5. This is so cool. I really like the finish and that it was done as a mystery. I've given up on mysteries because I never like the finished design. This one is perfect. I wouldn't be able to give it away.

  6. I love this wallhanging... and great that you have an organization you like to donate it to :) The quilting is nice too <3 Will you have the flimsy you finished longarmed or will you quilt it?? Kathi

  7. This wallhanging is beautiful. I love the fussy cut flowers.

  8. A lovely little quilt, someone will treasure it for years to come. Thanks for sharing the link for the Housewarmer Project. I'll share it with our quilt ministry group, some of our members may be interested in participating too.

  9. Very nice! Great way to use up the last of the fat quarters In the binding, Nice way to support a good cause too.

  10. A pretty and colorful wall hanging that will benefit others. The fussy cutting was worthwhile.

  11. Beautiful wall hanging, I love the colors. Great binding!

  12. Hi Gretchen! What a lovely wall hanging for a lovely cause. I'm sure the recipient will appreciate it very much, and it will brighten their home for years to come. ~smile~ Roseanne

  13. You both did a great job on your wall hanging. Thanks for the info on the project. I enjoy making smaller quilts and it would be great to have an outlet other than my closet for a few. Great job!

  14. What a lovely little quilt and gift! It will bring such joy into a home! Ive added that charity to my list of places I send things. And I love your Carolyn Konig quilt. I hadn't seen it before. Your productivity astounds me. I seem to sew all the time but don't accomplish anywhere as many projects as you do.....and Im not OCD about my stitching either.....I am fussy and want it to look good, but as Brenda P says, Done is better than Perfect! You are my hero. Carrolyn V

  15. What a creative use of the floral prints! Cute quilt.

  16. Very very nice Gretchen! Love the colors you did a great job on this challenge!

  17. Great use of the flowered fabrics in the squares, and the binding is beautiful. You got to participate in the challenge, and give to a charity, win, win!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I love how the colors turned out in this - it's a very nice house warming item, sure to cheer someone's day. :)

  20. I like the use of the fussy cuts in making your quilt.
