Sunday, May 20, 2018

Week 8, Quilting Nearly Insane

It is now eight weeks of hand quilting and I'm over halfway finished quilting Nearly Insane. These blocks are 6" blocks.

Believe it or not, this is a scrappy quilt. There are probably 50 different blue fabrics in this quilt and several different yellows.

I'm including a picture of the flimsy before I started quilting just to refresh your memory, mine too.

I still have many weeks of quilting ahead but I'm looking forward to seeing what my Nearly Insane looks like when finished.

Here are the blocks I've completed this week. This is row 4-1/2.

Left side triangle.

The center of the triangle has a fussycut flower.

I've included a close up of the center at the bottom of the post. 
I like this star with the fussycut center flower.

I've included a close up of the center at the bottom of the post. 

I didn't get this star quilted quite like I wanted but it will have to do. Removing small stitched hand quilting is difficult.

The blue star center is quilted too but the stitches don't show even though I've used white thread.

Despite the quilting not being quite what I wanted, this is my favorite block of this row.

This block took a long time to quilt. I didn't think I was ever going to get it finished!

I did quilt the tiny HST's though, that's what took so long.

This block was a straight forward easy block to quilt.

Added a design to the center square. 

This block didn't take that long. I added the same design in the center square as the above block.

Right side triangle.

Have you noticed or perhaps I've mentioned it before. The rows with triangles have the same half block on each side.

When I was piecing the blocks, I had a choice of 2 ways to make the triangles. Either sew 1 block and cut it in half or piece 2 triangles blocks. I chose to piece 2 triangle blocks, I wanted the 1/4" seam. I was afraid if I didn't have the 1/4" seam, the edge of my border would be goofy.

This fabric had cute little blue and pink flowers and were fussycut for several blocks throughout the quilt.

Sorry, it's a little blurry.

The other fussycut, not as colorful as the other fabric but I liked this one too.

These blocks may not have been in the correct order. I have a new photo program and for some reason Blogger and it seem to be having a relational problem.

I like to write my posts ahead of time right after I've finished whatever I'm posting about. I finished quilting row 4-1/2 on Wednesday. Thursday I started quilting the the left border and a block. Friday I quilted several more blocks. Saturday I finished row 5, I had a twofer again! 

I was able to do all this quilting because we had another rainy week, no farming happened.

Here are the blocks from row 5. I'm not showing any of the borders this time. You can't see the quilting in the outside border and the yellow border always looks the same.

When I pieced this bloc I made a mistake and the block was smaller than it should have been. I thought of Jane Stickle and added sashing to the block to make it full sized. 

Stitched this block in the ditch except for the HST's.

Favorite block of the row. Who doesn't love a basket?

Stitched in the ditch again. Just one of the original blocks in the quilt.

Another original block of Salinda's design. The little HST's are less than 1/2", they're not quilted.

This one is completely stitched.

Another pretty block stitched in the ditch again.

Linking to Slow Sunday StitchingOh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday With Bambi, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, BOM's AwayFiber TuesdayEsther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. Wow, you did a lot of quilting this week. Love the fussy cut flowers!

  2. So many great blocks in this post. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  3. That miserable rainy week resulted in some beautiful stitching.

  4. They are beautiful blocks and beautiful quilting, too. I think you were really wise to piece the triangle blocks for the sides. Not only so you could be sure to have the quarter-inch seams but also so you could cut the edges of the triangles on the straight grain if you wanted to. What batting did you use for this quilt. It gives great definition to the quilting.

    1. Thank you. The batting is Hobbes 80/20. This is the batting I normally use. I think it hand stitches very nicely.

  5. What an impressive accomplishment, Gretchen! This is a beautiful quilt!

  6. Your lovely version of Nearly Insane is one of my favorite quilts! Your hand quilting is so tiny.

  7. It's a lovely, impressive quilt quilt.

  8. so very very pretty Gretchen - Your hand quilting is so beautiful! YUP - I say July!

  9. Your choice is quilt tops is impressive without any 'laziness' to them. This blue, yellow and white 'Nearly Insane' is breathtakingly stunning. Congratulations to you for making a beautiful quilt.
    I looked at your previous posts regarding UFO's and did not see one that was 'quick and easy'. You make for a great quilter role model :) .

    Thanks for being inspirational.

  10. your nearly insane quilt is amazing. It is perfect yup hand quilt it. I haven't done that in years.

  11. Gretchen thanks so much for all the photos of those cute wee blocks so wonderful to see them up close, can see why its called Nearly Insane LOL All those tiny tiny pieces of fabric?????? Glenda

  12. I have just begun following your blog (Feedly). I am so enjoying all your hand quilting. I think I'm going to teach myself the art of hand quilting so seeing your work is quite an inspiration. Thank you.
