Saturday, May 5, 2018

Tablet Cover

I've been wanting to make a cover for my tablet ever since I purchased it last September. In October, Carole had a lovely sew-along make a cover. However last fall was extremely busy and I just didn't want to put that much work into it.

Earlier this year, while I was browsing on Sew Can She, I found a simple iPad case tutorial. Perfect, just what I was looking for. I printed off the directions to save for later.

One of the small projects I decided to sew the end of April was the cover. I found the directions then pulled the supplies and sewed it up. Here she is!

Outside pieces before finish.

Inside of case.

I didn't follow the directions exactly as Caroline said to do. My daughter had called and I was chatting with her on speaker phone while machine sewing. I don't recommend sewing that way. I needed to improvise a little but my project is finished and it works!

Linking to Sew Can She.


  1. Neat! Yup, I have tried to do that and ultimately get myself in trouble trying to multi task on that sewing machine! Hugs

  2. Hi Gretchen,
    I've been meaning to make a cover for my tablet, too. I will have to check out Caroline's link and print them out when I have a moment. I love the fabrics you chose to make your cover with, and it looks like it fits perfectly.
    ~smile~ Roseanne
