Sunday, May 13, 2018

Quilting Nearly Insane, Week 7

How much did I get quilted on Nearly Insane this week? I completed another row, row 4 which is the very center row. I'm over half-way finished with the hand quilting!!

This is my favorite block in this row. After I had pieced this block, I realized I should have had made the pinwheel in the center with darker fabric because it doesn't show. 

When you see this block for real, the texture is wonderful. 

May 1 - 6th was the Sauder Village Quilt Show held in Archbold, Ohio. I decided to exhibit this year and entered two quilts.

Blue & White Churn Dash received a red ribbon! There are so many lovely quilts in the show, I feel privileged to have received a ribbon.

I also took Cherry Blossoms but she didn't receive a placing. She was entered in the large quilt, machine pieced, long arm quilted category. I think that class had the most entries.

Here is a link to pictures of the 2018 Quilt Show Award Winners

Scroll down to yesterday's post to catch up on the Star Dance progress.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingOh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday With Bambi, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, BOM's AwayFiber Tuesday,Esther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. Hey Gretchen, your progress is AWEsoME this week on your hand quilting and a BIG congrats for a beautiful Red ribbon on your 1 quilt... I love the other quilt too ... I am sure it had stiff competition if it didn't place... glad you got to go to the quilt show and see your quilts hanging though! :D Kathi

  2. Congratulations on your first place ribbon! Your other quilt is a winner in my book! Nearly Insane has such an interesting variety of blocks...I love seeing how you quilt each and every one!

  3. your piecing and quilting is so neat on this quilt. I don't remember when you made the blocks for this quilt did you paper piece? EPP? Congratulations on your ribbon!

    1. Thank you, I foundation paper pieced the blocks in this quilt.

  4. Your Nearly Insane is amazing esp. remembering how small these are!

  5. Great hand quilting progress. I admire your choices of how each block is quilted. Perhaps Insane will be entered in a future show as it is definitely show worthy. Appreciate the links of Sauder’s winners. I was unaware how they posted it.

    1. Maybe I'll take Insanity to Sauder's next spring. My stitches on this quilt aren't as small as they are on blue & white churn dash but I think it would make an interesting display.

  6. Another week of great progress on your quilting. Your quilting is beautiful. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  7. Hi Gretchen,
    Your Nearly Insane project is just so beautiful. Really, I do not have enough words to articulate how wonderful it looks. I am sorry to say that I cannot see the pinwheel in your favorite block BUT the block itself is stunning and I probably wouldn't notice it anyway. Just the combination of fabrics and piecing in that block is perfect. I hope this quilt is going to be gracing your bed, where you can admire and enjoy it each day (or to someone who is REALLY worthy)! ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. You are really advancing on this puppy! I told you that you would finish before September!!!! Great quilting! This should bring a Blue next year and Congrats on your Red!!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Your quilts are so beautiful, Gretchen! For that tiny pinwheel with low value contrast: You can tweak that with your quilting a little to make the pinwheel pop more. Like if you quilted the lighter color fabric triangles of the pinwheel REALLY densely, to flatten them out -- I've seen this in hand quilted quilts before, not sure if I'm remembering the name for it -- "seed quilting?" Anyway, that would make the darker triangles of the pinwheel pop up more. You could do that really dense quilting in the lighter strips radiating outward from the pinwheel, too. However, I think the block is beautiful as it is. Your whole quilt is magnificent. :-)

    1. That would be a good idea of the pinwheel was larger but it is less than 1". I can live with it this way but I'll remember that idea when I'm quilting larger pieces. Thanks for the idea.

  11. Dear Gretchen what pleasure i get at seeing your wee blocks of nearly insane up close, your wee blocks are so beautifully made and such a joy to study and then to see each one quilted, really like how the centre cross on your favourite one pops and looks so 3D. I hope you do have it hung next year how lovely it will be to see it hanging in all its glory. Cheers Glenda

  12. PS Congratulations on the ribbon, I think Cherry Blossom deserved one too its very very beautiful .
