Saturday, April 28, 2018

Appliqueing Star Dance

The first applique corner of Star Dance is  finished. All four corners will have the same design but I'll use different fabrics for the stars and circle centers.

I am making a lot of extra circles. When the applique is finished, the extra circles will be added randomly to the border. I think the applique design is rather sparse and needs some extra zing. I might change my mind when the borders are finished. 

The pieced 4" finished stars were made in 2017 as a  RSC project. I decided to finish this quilt first before I start another RSC project.

Linking to Scrap Happy Saturday, Oh Scrap, Show & Tell with Bambi, Esther's Wednesday WOW!, Whatever Wednesday


  1. Beautiful applique, and it complements the stars so nicely!

  2. Applique is such a nice finishing touch for a border. The first corner is beautiful. There is plenty of time for the quilt to decide whether or not it needs those extra circles. If not, they are sure to find a home somewhere.

  3. The border design gives a very whimsical look to the quilt.

  4. This will be a beautiful finishing touch to your quilt - it looks lovely, Gretchen.

  5. Such a pretty combination with the star blocks and the applique border!

  6. You are doing a great job. You will have a lovely quilt.

  7. I love the border design and applique! This will be another beautiful quilt!

  8. I love your starflower borders!

  9. Beautiful border - that is going to be so colorful! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  10. Delightful borders! And such a lot of work! I like the addition of a few yellow circles. Thanks for sharing with 'sew stitch snap SHARE'

  11. Thank you very much for your inspiration this week at the Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi

  12. Very nice applique work! I love the addition to the quilt.:)
