Sunday, April 1, 2018

Nearly Insane, The Quilting Begins

I've started hand quilting Nearly Insane. The first outside border is quilted but you can't see it. I'm glad I decided to quilt a cable and not feathers.
Here is a close up of the quilting. This cable stitches very fast.
And a picture of the cable from the backside of the quilt. I laid on the floor to get this photo. That floor is really hard! The next photo of the backside will be when this quilt is finished and off the frame.

The zigzag border is also completed.
A close up of a corner.

The prepping progress on Star Dance hasn't gotten very far along. I have been doing some preliminary sewing for the quilt I want to piece at the Jane Stickle retreat in ten days.
Since I don't have applique to work on in the evenings, I got out the Darlene Zimmerman embroidery blocks. Sorry about the dark picture. I had started this block earlier this winter (it sure isn't spring here anyway!)and finished it last week. The roses were originally supposed to be red but I didn't want red roses so I changed the colors to suit me.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingQuilting is More Fun than Housework, Show & Tell Monday With Bambi, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, BOM's Away, Fiber TuesdayEsther's Wednesday WOW!, Let's Bee Social, UFO Challenge


  1. Your hand quilting looks wonderful and that embroidery project is absolutely gorgeous ! :)

  2. Love how you quilted the borders...I’m looking forward to seeing how you do the blocks.

  3. Awesome hand quilting and lovely embroidery, very well done.
    Happy Slow Stitching

  4. Love that cable pattern. Your stitches are lovely - on all your projects.

  5. Absolutely beautiful quilting! And I appreciate seeing your embroidery project as I have recently uncovered one that was begun by my grandmother. At some point I hope I can finish what she started.

  6. it looks wonderful. I love cables more than feathers really and have rarely quilted feathers

  7. Great start to your nearly insane. I look forward to seeing how you quilt each blink. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  8. What a pretty stitchery - your rose colors are so nice. You did get a good start on Nearly Insane! I admire your staying power. Admittedly, I am not good at that. I would have had to take a break between the piecing and quilting, so I really admire this work!

  9. Beautiful stitches and I love that cable stitch also. Moves things along much faster. Your embroidery is so pretty. Is that for a specific quilt?

  10. Thank you for your inspiration you gave us on Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi

  11. Your stitches are lovely! This quilt is stunning!

  12. Your NI quilt looks wonderful - happy quilting :-)

  13. Hi Gretchen,
    I had to laugh at you laying on the floor to get that photo! That is dedication - and I am glad you did it. The cable stitching looks great, as does your stitching on the flower basket. ~smile~ Roseanne
