Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Regatta Quilt

Roseanne and Peggy had a sew-along yesterday with the Regatta pattern. The sew-along was announced November 10th and the date set for New Years Day, 2018. What a wonderful way to celebrate the start of a new year.

I've used a jelly roll I bought at Calico Point. They sell both regular jelly rolls and rolls they cut themselves. Since jelly roll is a copyrighted term, Calico Point calls the rolls they cut a Calico Whirl.

The roll I selected has blue and blue/gray fabrics, the white strips are cut from my bolt of Bella Snow. 

I started sewing the strips on Saturday and finished the flimsy today. I really like the colors. I'm normally a symmetrical person but decided to the arrange the values asymmetrically.

I usually take pictures on the clothesline but I just checked the weather channel to see what the temperature is; 2 degrees, wind chill factor -16 degrees. Sorry, no way am I going to take a picture outside.

This was a fun, simple pattern to sew. I will definitely use this pattern again.

Linking to Let's Bee SocialMy Quilt Infatuation, Finished Or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Finish It Up Friday


  1. It's a great looking quilt. Our temps are mid 30s deg Celsius

  2. Looks good. I haven't started mine yet. Hopefully will get to it tomorrow.

  3. I like your colors, they make the quilt soft looking! Neat New Years project

  4. I love how this came out. Great idea!

  5. OK OK OK - You and Peggy now have sparked my interest in making an easy quilt!!!!! I have downloaded the pattern and joined the group - This one looks so much easier than BH On Ringo Lake - So glad I did not start that one! Now to decide what fabric and colors to use!!!!

  6. Oh I like that!!! Very crisp and cozy. One busy lady

  7. Nice job, I like how it came out. I hope to start mine this coming week.

  8. I really like the blue and grey combo of colors you used in this quilt. Reminds me of the deep blue sea.

  9. I love the colors in your quilt! Mine is also going to be in blues. I started cutting last night.

  10. oh, dear! I'd have an indoor, shot, too! This has a really nice nautical/minimalist feel!

  11. I need to start mine too! Your colors are so pretty! I love the toned down look of the blues!

  12. What a wonderful way to start off the New Year!!

  13. Hi Gretchen,
    This really turned out nicely! I hope it was as easy to put together as we all think it is! I think you are the quickest to get their flimsy together (not that it's a race!). Have you decided how you're going to quilt it? I just LOVE the colors and how you arranged them. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. The quilting on the quilt that was displayed on your blog had way lines horizontally. I thought I would do something similar.

      I had decided I was NOT going to do this quilt until I had the binding sewn on the 4-patch quilt, which I completed. I had pulled this jelly roll right after I read your post in November, I knew this would be the perfect fabrics and it was! It probably won't get quilted soon but it will happen sometime this spring.

      This was a fun project. So many of my quilts are long term projects that take months, if not years.

  14. Love it! The simple design looks really sharp, and great colors.

  15. This is a nice pattern. I hope you link up the finish once it's quilted. Thanks for linking up with TGIFF.
