Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Hoffman Watercolor Palette Quilt

I bought the inside panel of this quilt from the resale table at the Jane Stickle retreat last November. I had originally planned to use it on the back of another crib quilt but changed my mind. 

I liked the panel and decided it deserved to have a chance to be a lovely crib quilt, which it did. She measures 48" by 57". 

I did the fun easy piecing before Christmas and completed the spiral quilting last week on my home sewing machine.

The panel is a Hoffman Watercolor Palette. The date on the top left corner (not shown) says 2015.

I put a pretty batik on the back. I had purchased this fabric several years ago at the retreat but never found the right project for her.

I liked the colors but my favorite reason for buying the fabric was the butterflies. They add a touch of spring to the quilt.

Of course this post wouldn't be complete without a picture of the quilt on a pile of snow in my yard.

The Hoffman  Watercolor Palette quilt is my first complete finish of this new year.

Linking to  Sew Fresh QuiltsMy Quilt Infatuation, Finished Or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Let's Make Baby Quilts, Finish It Up Friday, Free Motion Mavericks, Show Off Saturday


  1. Congrats on the finish! That always feels good.

  2. The panel makes a really pretty quilt. At first, I thought you had sewn all these little rectangles together.

  3. How pretty! Great job Gretchen and so pretty on the snow! I made a quilt using a grid I drew on the background fabric and appliqued 2 1/2" squares in each 2" grid. It was fun, but it is neat when they make a panel and one does not have to do all that work!

  4. Love it - especially the pic on the pile of snow.

  5. I received that panel as a gift some time ago. Never considered making it into its own quilt, as is. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Cool to see something different - very nicely put together; love the batik!

  7. So fun to see a completed project with that Hoffman panel. We sold out of 2 bolts at the store where I work--and I never saw anyone's finish until now. I really like the quilting you added, as well as the simple border choice.
    Thanks so much for linking to tgiff!

  8. You know what, this makes a cool quilt, doesn't it? Love the butterflies, too - perfect pick for the backing.
