Sunday, December 24, 2017

Hand Quilting

This week I've concentrated on hand quilting and I've made good progress.

The narrow white border has been quilted and the first long inside border that divides the blocks has been completed too.

I've started quilting the blocks. Three of the blocks have been half quilted!

I know the quilt looks a mess with the blue marking pencil. I'm looking forward to washing this quilt and seeing what she really looks like.

I also took a picture of the side quilting.

The border seams have been stitched in the ditch. The light blue thread doesn't look blue at all. 

The thread is a variegated King Tut thread.  I don't like the way the thread quilts. I have to watch it constantly, I keep getting little loops or knots. I had thought I would try King Tut once but never again! I'll finish this quilt with this thread for consistency but I'm sticking with YLI thread from now on.


  1. Thanks for sharing your experience with the KT thread. Your quilting is beautiful.

  2. Good to know about the thread difference... thanks for sharing that!
    ENjoy your hand quilting today!

  3. I tried king tut in my machine once... it did not like it. Hope you finish quickly so you can go back to thread you enjoy working with.

    1. I had been wondering if this was supposed to be machine quilting thread. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has had problems with it. Thanks for your comment.

  4. Aurifil thread knots and tangles while hand sewing..waxing it helps.. buying no more.

    1. I tried a spool of Aurifil hand quilting thread years ago. I hated it, it shredded!

  5. I've never tried King Tut for hand work - my machine likes it just fine for quilting there. Gretchen, do you wax your thread when you're hand quilting? (I'm not versed in that technique, so I don't know if it's a standard approach or just used with nuisance threads?)

    1. I'm got little box of Thread Heaven. I'm going to try that today. I'll let you know if it helps. Thanks for the suggestion.

  6. Looking good Gretchen. I give up on goals - at least for this year -
    I too do not like KT, I use Aurifil in my machines and they love it. I use Robinson Anton in my long arm and it loves it. It has been awhile since I hand quilted so at this time cannot remember which thread I am using, but not KT - for sure!

  7. I'm with you about YLI thread, it is my favorite for hand quilting. Never have tried KT, have tried Coats and Clark and it's okay if I don't have YLI.

    1. I used Coats & Clark quilting thread for years but then had problems with it tearing. The quality didn't seem to be there anymore. I asked other hand quilters what they were using and they said YLI. I had never heard of it before but I bought a spool and loved it!

  8. Dear Gretchen such lovely quilting, I still love to hand quilt but it my hands don't like it so much any more! which saddens me but I'm learning to machine quilt and enjoying the challenge. Wishing you all the very best for 2018, hope its full of lots of quilting and sewing hrs Cheers Glenda

    1. Good to hear from you Glenda. I enjoy hand quilting. I may think I'm only going to quilt for an hour but it's like an addiction, I just can't stop! I don't quilt everyday, don't want to aggravate my wrist. I often think of you in warm Australia while it is freezing here in Indiana. Soon it will be spring again and I'll have green grass and flowers. Blessings to you in 2018.

  9. Thank you for your link to the Show and Tell Monday. Now a new exciting sewing is waiting in 2018. Hug Bambi

  10. Perfect inspiration :) and what attention to detail! I admire and congratulate.

