Friday, November 17, 2017

Star Dance Blocks

Another project that made progress at the Jane Stickle Retreat, were the Star Dance blocks. The center is now sewn and ready for applique.

I didn't set the blocks the way the pattern said with a straight set. I personally like blocks set on point. At this stage, she measures 43 1/2" by 53 1/2".

I'm planning on doing the applique with machine stitching, a new learning experience for me! Hopefully I will have the applique pieces prepped and ready to go for my guild's retreat the first weekend in March, 2018.

A fun fact about this quilt is that all the stars have been made from fabrics in my stash, the striped border too!

While at the retreat, I also sewed the border on my mammoth 4-patch quilt (no picture). He measures 124" by 125". I need to finish piecing the backing and then off to the long arm quilter he will go. I'll take a picture after the binding is attached.

Linking to Finished Or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Finish It Up FridayScrap Happy Saturday, Oh Scrap!, LoveLaughQuilt, Show & Tell Monday with Bambi, Em's Scrapbag, BOM'S Away, Quilts My Way, UFO Challenge


  1. Hi Gretchen,
    I love stars . . . all of them. These look so scrappy and happy, and that little border is just perfect. Hmm, I wonder what applique you are going to do on it?!! I can't wait to see - we need some closeups! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. This is just gorgeous! I love the on point setting, but either way would have be gorgeous...the stars have a way of shining regardless!

  3. Your quilt is lovely! It's colorful. I like it on point too.

  4. wonderful! I love stars no matter the setting they always make a beautiful quilt

  5. Lovely stars, either setting would be beautiful. Have fun with the applique. I've tried machine applique a few times, it is somewhat faster than hand applique, though I love the look of hand applique much more.

  6. it's looking great.........I like on point too........

  7. Hey, this turned out pretty! Yeah, I love on-point settings, too. What kind of machine embroidery are you doing? Turned-edge or fusible? It'll be neat to see what you have in mind for this, even though it's not up for work until March. :)

  8. Oh, I like the blocks on point, too. Your fabrics and colors are beautiful. I like that you made the quilt larger than the pattern. What size are the blocks?

  9. The applique border will really set this quilt off! Beautiful Colors! I love the stars! And on point is pretty! You are on a roll for the beginning of winter!

  10. Really cute! Gotta love stars. My favorite blocks.

  11. Wow, this is going to be great! Looking forward to seeing the big guy eventually too!

  12. Your layout is beautiful with the colorful stars and white background! I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of applique you're going to do.

  13. Twinkle, twinkle little pretty.

  14. What a charming little star quilt. The striped print looks great. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  15. I like on-point settings, too -- the diagonal has more energy. Your scrappy stars are charming as they are, but now that I've looked at the Star Dance pattern -- wow! The applique will be wonderful.

  16. Your stars turned out beautifully, lots of soft colors. Enjoy your stitching time this week.

  17. Thank you for your inspiration on the Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi hug

  18. A beautiful quilt! Fun when you don't have to buy any fabrics. I belive that a quilt gets more soul with fabrics from different times and suppliers.

  19. Your quilt is pretty, I love the bright colors and the white background compliments them. I can not wait to see the border on it. Congrats on making some great progress at your retreat!

  20. It is looking great !!! Thank you for sharing.
