Sunday, July 2, 2017

First Border Quilted!

The first blue border is quilted. Can you see it?
I've rolled and started on the white border.

I lightly marked the feather design on the fabric before I put the quilt in the frame. As I am quilting, I lightly mark the straight lines with a water soluble marker then mist with water when I've finished that section. In the middle picture, you can see my light green spray bottle peeking out from where it is sitting on a small table that sits on my right hand side.

Linking to - Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingShow & Tell Monday With Bambi, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, BOM's Away,  Esther's Wednesday WOW!, Sew, Stitch, Snap SHOW


  1. Quilting design is so pretty. Hand stitches are remarkable. I love the hand quilting. Quilt and workmanship is show quality. Have you considered entering it?

    1. I know I'll enter this in the Sauder Quilt show next spring. This spring I attended the Chicago Quilt show. They had posters talking about an exhibit of blue & white quilts in (I think) Houston in 2019 (?). I haven't taken the time to check that out. Maybe I'll try the Shipshewana Quilt show next summer. I make my quilts for me and don't worry about what the 'experts' think.

  2. Oh my! Sew exciting to see all your progress each week. So close to the end now and I just love your quilting design choice for the border. I think I need to pull up a chair to my neglected frame sometime today and put some stitches in.

    1. Sometimes I think I'll just quilt for a few minutes. I start and the next thing I know, it's been an hour of quilting! A little bit everyday is progress.

  3. it is looking so great and you will be so glad to take this off of the quilting frame soon

  4. SO beautiful and so close to the edge!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching and sharing your project with us!

  5. This is so pretty. Thanks for the info on how you mark. How do you make sure that the pattern works out along the side? That is what I have the most trouble with. I either have to elongate or squish usually so I try to mark it all ahead of time, but that is obviously not how you do it.

  6. I'm going to miss looking at this quilt when you are finished. It is so gorgeous, and I've enjoyed seeing your progress each Sunday.

    1. I'm glad you have enjoyed my quilting journey. It seems like I show pictures of the same thing every week. When I get this quilt finished, I want to finish the applique on my Pastor's Attic Quilt. Then a new quilting journey will start.

  7. I love seeing your progress on this quilt. It's going to be stunning--already is!

  8. It can be very interesting to watch the progress of hand-quilted work. Yes, it seems slow to you, but to us you are racing along. And that you are quilting such intricate detail is truly amazing. This quilt is already beautiful, and I think okay that's probably as good as it's going to get. (Surely it can't get better!) But you move to another section and, well, here we are...blow away again!

    It's like going to a quilt show. You see some stunning quilts and think, I started with the best quilts. But you turn a corner and there are some just as good, some are better. So you think that's where the bar is. Nope. Amazing, there seems to be no bar! (Said with the understanding that I'm not speaking of my own skills--my personal bar moves up at a snail's pace. :)

  9. Your work is exceptional and I love to see the progress each week. Thank you for mentioning the marking - I really struggle with that. I'd love to see a photo of how you actually use a pattern or stencil to mark. Your comments and photos encourage me to keep working on my hand quilting. Thank you!

    1. I've been asked that question several times over this quilting journey. When this quilt is finished, I plan to finish the applique on my Pastor's Attic Quilt. I will try to remember to take pictures when I'm marking that quilt and show how I mark. I've never had a professional lesson on quilt marking so I have come up with my own way of marking. I don't know how the 'professionals' mark. Hopefully the next quilt will be ready to mark in the fall.

  10. Beautiful quilting. I love when quilting shows up so well on white fabric. You can never spend just a couple minutes quilting,,,it's addictive!

  11. I want my name on this quilt!!! LOL. It would be worth the 2000 + mile trip to come and take lessons from you, of course, I have to have 2 hands to do that - so no hurry for 2017! Gretchen you do need to show this one! And you have so many other beautiful quilts! Houston 2019 is going to be a blue and white? Hum. Coming to Houston? I need to go and find the post where you talked about marking the quilt. Exceptional work!

  12. Duh.. Found the post it was in March of this year! I purchase those pencils at an Art Store in San Antonio, TX. great marking pencils. Pat Campbell's were the best for white on dark, but do have the Sew Line - dark and light. I have printed it out and will keep it with my Z44 which is withering in the corner because its new owner is not available now! LOL

  13. hats off to you, beautiful hand quilting, to be admired

  14. Lovely quilting! And thanks for linking up to 'sew stitch snap SHARE'

  15. Better late than never Thank you for your participation in this week's Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi
