Sunday, July 23, 2017


I decided I need to piece a row of Nearly Insane before I can prep the applique for the Pastor's Attic Quilt. There is room for only 1 project at a time on my cutting/prep table.

While I'm waiting to finish the newest row of NI, I've been working on embroidery I prepped last winter. I always forget how fast embroidery goes. This piece has been finished. It is supposed to go on a bag someday but right now I'm just embroidery, the sewing will happen another day.

I completed these small squares last February when I visited our daughter in Arizona. They'll be used for pincushions or needle books someday.

These pieces also were completed sometime this spring/summer.

And yes, this is the same design as the first embroidery I showed you.

As you can see, I am using variegated thread. Some of these have been embroidered with #12 Perle cotton and some with embroidery thread. I'm liking the Perle cotton better.

The current project is this circle. I back-basted appliqued the fabric to the circle before I started the embroidery. The heart was supposed to have been a fill in embroidery stitch but I decided I would like an appliqued heart better. 

I'm using regular embroidery thread on this block. There is just something about the Perle cotton that I like better, maybe it has more of a sheen to it?

These designs are from patchwork loves embroidery by Gail Pan.

I have another of Gail's books but decided I need to make more of the projects from the first book.

Linking to - Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingQuilting is More Fun than Housework, Show & Tell Monday With BambiLove Laugh Quilt, Em's Scrapbag, Design Wall Monday-Small Quilts, BOM's Away, Super Mom - No Cape, Quilter's Monday Fiber TuesdayEsther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. love all your embroidery - I do not do it often but find when I do that it flies by

  2. Lovely embroidery, I've got one of Gail Pan's books too, just waiting for a spare moment!

    1. Gail's designs are fun to embroider. I hope you find some time to make some of the projects.

  3. Your embroidery is so pretty, Gretchen! I especially like the ones with all blues. enjoy some slow stitching today!

  4. I have always loved doing embroidery. Your little stitcheries are sew cute! Those little ones will make nice pin cushions

  5. I like to embroider in the summer when it's too hot to hand quilt since I don't have a/c. I'm always looking for new ideas so thanks for mention of Gail Pan's books. I like variegated threads and use both perle and embroidery threads but have no preference.

    1. I think the lazy daisy stitches look nicer with perle cotton thread. The nicest thing about the variegated thread is you can just keep embroidering, no need to change the thread color.

  6. I make piles around my cutting area of the different projects I am working on. Not the best idea but I so enjoy having things ready to grab.

  7. Your embroidery is beautiful. You must finish these pieces into different items. They are too pretty to hide away.

    1. I'll get these finished someday. Sometimes I just want to sew and making something that doesn't take months! I'll pull out these embroidered projects and they'll get sewn.

  8. Such beautiful handwork! I really learned from you! I like how you blocked off the squares for the smaller designs that will one day become needle books or pincushions! I've been away from embroidery for some time. It's so great to find tips from others! Thank you for sharing!

    1. For me, it makes it so much easier to cut apart the small squares if the edges are marked. I use a permanent fine point marking pen for the edge line.

  9. I enjoyed looking at your embroidery. I think I prefer Pearle cotton too but I have so much embroidery thread, I am forcing myself to use that first! I do hope to get back to my embroidery in the near future. Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. Your pieces are so sweet! I love the variegated blues. Embroidery is so relaxing... I don't know why I don't do more of it.

    1. I do more appliqueing since I've learned how and it has pushed the embroidery aside. I'm having fun with the embroidery.

  11. These are such beautiful stitcheries... I think I need that book :)

  12. Beautiful embroidery! Time always does fly by when you have a needle and thread and some peace"

  13. Love all those embroideries, the Gail Pan book is one of my favorites, I was just looking through my book for one of the patterns to start.

  14. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration and link on Show and Tell Monday !! BambiHug

  15. The heart appliqued in with the embroidery is very sweet.

  16. I have that book. Unfortunately I haven't stitched from it. Your pretty embroideries inspire me.

  17. I am SO far behind on my email! I love the embroidery - found the book and will get it next week - also ordered Gail's Christmas book - I did not know about her! Great work, guess I can add this to the list of lessons from you!

    1. We can get together when you move into Greencroft!

  18. Your embroidery is so accomplished and charming. I love how embroidery is being resurrected from years of neglect.

  19. Your embroidery is just beautiful! I love Gail Pan designs

  20. Gretchen your lovely embroidery is tempting me to pull out a quilt WIP thats tucked away for a rain day like many of my WIP's LOL It needs to be finished and seeing your work here I really want to do some embroidery myself now! Love the little birds. Cheers Glenda
