Sunday, June 4, 2017

Another Row Quilted

Before the grands and their parents arrived last week, I finished quilting churn dash row 7 and the bottom halves of the white squares.

As usual, the pictures look the same.

As you can see, the top row of white square are all marked with the same design.

Before I can roll, I need to whip stitch more batting to the bottom of the batting in the frame. There isn't time to quilt with the grandchildren here anyway, I can quilt after they've left.

Enjoy your slow stitching!

Linking to - Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Quilter's Monday, Show & Tell Monday With Bambi, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, BOM's Away, Quilter's Monday, Fiber TuesdayEsther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. it is looking beautiful - sorry you have to add more batting though - that is a bother.

  2. An heirloom! I have probably said this before, but it bears repeating. This is a rare work of art in today's world. I commend you for your efforts! Simply stunning.

  3. I am so enjoying watching your progress on this quilt. Enjoy your visit with your grandchildren.

  4. Beautiful, beautiful quilting! Enjoy your time with your grandchildren! :)

  5. You are really making hay while sun shines on this quilt Gretchen. So pretty!

  6. Thank you for your link as well as inspiration you give us on Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi

  7. Grands take priority :) You are making wonderful progress, steady and sure.

  8. As all ways this quilt calms me Gretchen such a joy to see. Have fun with the grandies as you said the quilting will still be there waiting after they go Hugs Glenda

  9. Good progress and so well done.

  10. looking absolutely beautiful. i love the texture! Ah! i just want to touch it!

  11. This is beautiful, your quilting is to die for

  12. This is beautiful, your quilting is to die for
