Sunday, May 28, 2017

Churn Dash Quilting

Every stitch I quilt is one more stitch towards being finished. 

This week the left side border and two churn dashes were quilted. 

Also the bottom of two white squares were quilted.

I hope you have a good week with your slow stitching projects!

Linking to - Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Show & Tell Monday With Bambi, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, BOM's AwayEsther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. Replies
    1. I feel happy whenever I hand quilt, and relaxed and content. Glad I made you smile today.

  2. I just love your quilting. This is one gorgeous quilt!

  3. Are there parts of these designs that you prefer to stitch over others? I think that feather design might be challenging?
    Looks beautiful as always!

    1. I've been hand quilting so long that I can twist and turn in just about any direction. I like all the designs.

  4. What do you use to mark your quilting design onto the quilt?

  5. Hi,
    Beautiful, love the design you've stitched.
    Have a great day!

  6. You are moving right along! Beautiful stitching!

  7. I very much like the quilting designs that you have chosen. Keep stitching.

  8. Gorgeous quilting!

  9. Oh, the crispness of the colors and the quilting--I am totally in love with this quilt! It makes such a stunning piece of art while you're working on it in the frame. I never learned to quilt on a floor frame. I had one for awhile, but I had learned to quilt on a hoop and just couldn't get the hang of the bigger frame. Your in-process pictures of this quilt make me wish I had kept trying on the frame.

  10. With the introduction to the "modern" quilts, it is such a joy to see how beautiful a 2 color quilt with repetitive blocks be made into a beautiful heirloom with the quilting. I just need to come take lessons!! Absolutely beautiful Gretchen!

  11. Still in love with your quilt and's just wonderful.

  12. Your quilt looks wonderful - you are very skilled :-)

  13. Gorgeous as always - and you're right, every stitch counts!

  14. This is going to be beautiful, a real heirloom. How about putting up a little video of you stitching on it to show us your technique? You are clearly very skilled, it would be nice to see you at work x

    1. Thank you. I may be very skilled in hand quilting but I wouldn't have a club how to make a video with my camera. I know it is possible. Perhaps when our daughter visits this summer, she can make a video,if she's here before the quilt is finished anyway.

  15. Funny thing about this lovely quilt Gretchen it ALL ways makes my body just drop in to a relaxed postion and I just sit and look at it. Why have I never made one???? I should of made Esther's Blue and wite quilt Omar's Blues when it came out may be I still will. Hugs Glenda

  16. oh this looks so pretty. I haven't hand quilted since i got my big free motion set up. But this will look beautiful Im sure
