Sunday, March 26, 2017

Row Two Completed

Row two churn dash blocks and white squares are quilted.

The quilt is a rectangle with the blue blocks 7 by 8. In between the churn dash blocks are the 7 1/2" white squares, 6 across and 7 vertically.

I marked the squares in a rectangle. All the white squares in the outside rectangle were quilted like I showed you last week. This week I've started quilting on the white squares in the next inside rectangle.

There were 4 with the newest stencil and two with the outside stencil.

I don't know if this makes any sense to you. I guess you'll have to wait until the quilt is completely finished to see what I'm talking about.

When I've rolled the frame enough to start quilting the next row of white squares, I will have 3 different quilting designs in that row.

I've been knitting a dishrag in the evenings but got tired of that. Then I remember a project I pieced several years ago that needs hand sewing to finish it. Square blocks were folded in half then sewn into the quilt. I need to hand sew the edges of these triangles into curves. These blocks will turn into tulips.

The name of the quilt is 37 North. My friends Janis and Edith used to have a quilt kit business. They thought up patterns and made kits to go with the patterns. They designed this quilt on the way to a retreat in Michigan. They were on road 37 headed north so that is what they named it. I think I will call it the tulip quilt.

It is going to take me awhile to get these triangles turned into curves. I had forgotten about this wallhanging so I'm glad to be pulling out a long time UFQ.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingQuilting is More Fun than HouseworkLove Laugh Quilt, Show & Tell Monday With Bambi, Fiber Tuesday, BOM's AwayEsther's Wednesday WOW!, Let's Be SocialMy Quilt Infatuation, Finished Or Not FridayCrazy Mom Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. The Churn Dash quilt is just gorgeous and coming along beautifully!

  2. Your blue and white churn dash quilt is beautiful! I'm always so inspired by your hand quilting. The tulip wall-hanging looks springy and fun!

    1. I glad I remembered this wallhanging. It has been something different to do for hand sewing.

  3. Your quilting is so pretty, love the patterns you have chosen. I was going to follow your blog but cant see how to do it using blogger.

    1. I guess you'll have to do follow by e-mail. I'm not tech savvy person. Thanks for your comments.

  4. What kind of light do you use with your frame?

    1. I have an Ott light on a stand. It has to be 20 years old, seems like I've had it forever. The nice thing is, since I have this quilting frame, I can set the light on the other side of the frame and shine the light exactly where I want it to shine. Before I had to have it on my left side and light wasn't always correct. It seems like I was always adjusting it.

  5. I think I have seen the pattern 37 North before but it was a long time ago - like your quilt on the frame - what kind of frame is that - a brand or one of a kind

    1. It has been a long time since my friends had their business. I can't even remember how many years ago I pieced this wallhanging. The quilting frame is a Grace Z44 Fabri-Fast frame. I'm the 3rd owner but the first to actually use it. It was in a box with a million pieces. My son and son-in-law put it together in December 2015.

  6. Such gorgeous quilting! Using different designs in the plain squares is going to add so much! Can't wait to see the finished quilt! (No pressure...) 8)
    Your tulips are a really interesting pattern. Happy handwork!

    1. Thank you Gayle. I'm enjoying both hand projects.

  7. So fun to be able to look over your shoulder as you are quilting this beautiful quilt!
    I look forward to seeing your updates!
    Love the tulip quilt... so glad you found it again!

    1. I hope you all don't get tired of my updates. It is going to take awhile to quilt this quilt. I can't believe I forgot about the tulip quilt. I just love the colors.

  8. WOW your quilting is amazing!

  9. B E A U T I F U L !! Hand Quilting! I wish I ever got that good and now my hand strength won't do it anyway. Keep on quilting, hand quilting is getting lost to the fancy LA quilting done by machines.

    1. Thank you for the compliment. Sorry you don't have the hand strength for hand quilting. Fortunately I still do. I do have to be careful of my wrist though, too much quilting and it starts to ache.

  10. Your quilting is beautiful. Thanks for sharing the process.

  11. WELL, you can tell that I am not all here today - I put my post under your first reply - here it is again

    I think I have a pattern like 37. There was a speaker at our guild about 8 years ago. Her name was Annette Ornelas. She did a twist on piecing and did a book and lots of patterns that were traditional, but also incorporated the "cathedral windows" type block. The name of the pattern is Tulip Dance.
    I made a pillow cover with it. From my memory, you fold some of the pieces when making the block and then either machine roll it or hand applique to give it the 3 dimensional look.
    Pretty quilt!

  12. One More Thing. Love the quilting that you are doing on the Churn Dash - I like the idea of having different patterns in the quilting space. Also love the tulip block colors! OK - trying to find my brain cells! LOL

  13. I just love the quilting on the churn dash!!! I will say it again, I am in awe of all the quilting you do. Do you ever sleep? Would love to read you are giving classes !!!

  14. Thanks for the inspiration and link to the Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi Hug

  15. Your quilting is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  16. You are sharing the best things this week. Your hand quilting is beautiful, and I look forward to seeing what the design is for the third rectangle. The Tulip quilt looks interesting with that fold of the bias diagonals!

  17. Your hand quilting is lovely and so is your tulip quilt!

    1. Thank you. I'm having fun with my slow stitching anyway.

  18. There's something so sweet about hand stitched quilts, and yours is just so lovely.
