Sunday, March 19, 2017

Blue Churn Dash Quilting

The first row of white squares has been completed and a start has been made on the 2nd row of churn dash blocks. I don't know why, but I always like to quilt the border edges of the row first, then quilt the center part. Like the first row, this row will be stitched in the ditch then the curves in the HST's will be quilted.

Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of the white squares before I rolled. I'll do better next time.

Last week someone asked me how long it took to quilt one of the white squares and I told them maybe an hour? I timed it and it was an half hour.

I haven't done a thing about prepping the applique for the borders for the Pastor's Attic quilt. I started piecing another row of Nearly Insane last week and blue fabrics are all over the cutting table. Pastor's Attic is just going to have to wait until I'm in the mood for him.

Linking to - Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingEm's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, Show & Tell Monday with Bambi, Fiber TuesdayEsther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. It's good to have a choice of projects to work on...that's my theory anyway!

  2. I always love a blue and white quilt. Enjoy your stitching.

  3. Your Churn Dash will be so pretty and your quilting is coming along. The Pastor will patiently wait. I do the same thing. I have to be in the mood for some of my projects! Happy Sunday Stitching.

  4. Our quilty projects have to take turns with our attention... so much stitching to be enjoyed!

  5. Oh my goodness, Gretchen, this takes my breath away! I have always loved the Churn Dash, first of all. Second, if I didn't know better, I'd swear you'd stolen a quilt out of my grandma's sewing room! She loved that color of blue and she made dozens on Churn Dash quilts which she quilted on a frame that looked just like this. Oh my, what memories! Your quilt design even resembles the kind she'd do. This will be a true heirloom for your family to treasure! Thanks for sharing it!

    1. Thank you Jayne. I don't know if you've ready earlier posts about this quilt. I am reproducing a blue & white churn dash made by my husband's great-grandmother. I'm enjoying the quilting.

  6. Those blue churn dashes are gorgeous! Happy stitching this week!

  7. Hand quilting ! Wonderful... the true finish to a quilt...and it connects us to the hand quilters before us..

  8. Just lovely. You can't go wrong with blue and white, and the hand quilting will be the icing on the cake.

  9. Absolutely beautiful! That blue and white combination is always a winner, and your work is fabulous, as ever!

  10. Your quilting is beautiful! I love the churn dash in those colours!

  11. Thanks for linking to Show and Tell Monday and the inspiration you are bidding on! Bambi Hug

  12. Truly inspirational blocks....just like the red and white quilt at the Dallas show! Your skills are phenomenal. Thank you for sharing and always having such a positive, delightful blog to look forward to.
