Tuesday, February 28, 2017

This 'N That

I'm trying to finish up some odds and ends around the sewing room before I start March's projects.

I've had the center of the little churn-dash wall hanging hanging on the display wall ever since I sewed it together. I guess I was afraid if I put it away, I'd never get back to it.

I needed the space so I decided to get him finished. I went with a simple checkerboard border for the first border and finished it with blue for the outside border. The binding is made. Into the ready to be quilted box he goes. I don't know if I'll hand quilt him or donate him to a charity that will hand quilt then sell in a auction.

I've used the same blue for the churn dash quilts as I used in my blue & white Dear Jane quilt. I had purchased a whole bolt because I didn't want to have to worry about running out of fabric. 

I measured the fabric left on the bolt, there are 3 yards left out of the original 15. I love this fabric today as much as I did when I purchased it back in November 2014. The name is Evening from Robert Kaufman's Fusions Mist collection. I'm also using some of this fabric in Nearly Insane.

When I was piecing the Scrappy Stars charity quilt, I started thinking about a different scrappy star quilt to make with 5" squares. After I finished sewing the small churn dash wall hanging together, I started on the new comforter top.

This is what I came up with. I keep seeing the 16 block scrappy star around on different blogs. These are two big scrappy 16 block stars. He measures 60" x 82". 

The box of purple fabrics is getting very low. In fact, it is so low, I didn't have enough variety of purple blocks to make another scrappy border.

Things I would do differently? I would make the yellow border 3" wide and put it in between the stars and purple squares. The outside purple border would have been 5" instead of 3". But it is finished and he is not going to be redone. Another charity comforter top, ready to be knotted.

The hand quilting has started on the blue churn dash quilt. People often ask me, how long it takes to hand quilt a quilt? It takes as long as it takes. You can't speed up hand quilting unless you make your stitches huge.

There are feathers in the white border. They take time but they are so lovely to see.

I basted the edge of the quilt to the backing and batt with longer stitches. To quilt the square-in-a-square border, there are 3 needles going. One to stitch in the ditch along the border edge. Two going along the sides of the squares. You can just keep going when you quilt like this. 

I'm using a wool batt and the quilting thread is white YLI. Now you will get weekly updates on the quilting process.

Linking to - Esther's Wednesday WOW!, Let's Bee Social, Sew Some LoveMy Quilt Infatuation, Finished Or Not FridayCrazy Mom Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Show & Tell Monday


  1. I love the blue and white combination, this will be a stunning quilt when you have finished the hand quilting :)

  2. So many wonderful projects!! I love all three quilts! Can't wait to see them all done. You are making great progress.

  3. LOL - you can't speed up hand quilting is right - the only way you get done fast is if you work on it every single day

  4. Proud of you for getting that Churndash loaded and already quilting on it. So pretty. It is a pretty blue! How big are the start blocks? They look huge. Another border idea would be to put the dark next to the purple squares and the 3" yellow border on the outside. My frame is to be delivered today - hubby will be busy tomorrow staining and finishing. Payment for upgrading his computer (LOL).

  5. I zoomed in on the photos to see your great dark blue blender fabric. I can see why you love it! I just bought a big batch of a different blue blender, and it's very stiff. I'm not going to commit to using much of it until I wash some and see if it softens or runs or fades, etc.

  6. Hand quilting may take time, but it always looks so beautiful and timeless.

  7. Great projects! I love the stars. Thanks for linking to Sew Some Love :)

  8. Lovely churn dash, and I admire you so much for being able to do hand quilting!! This will be stunning!

  9. You have been busy, I still love your blue and white too. I'm so pleased that you will be showing weekly progress on your quilting, I've never used a big frame and the idea of how you do feathers without getting all twisted up is intriguing. I suppose you must just be able to quilt in all different directions unlike when I do mine in a hoop where I turn the hoop so I'm always sewing in the same direction?

  10. The check border was a good choice. Let's the churn dashes still be the focus of the quilt but adds interest to the design.

  11. Love your clue churn dash on the frame! It will be SO beautiful once completely quilted! I've only hand quilted feathers on a small quilt in a hoop. How do you twist your hand around to get all the parts of the feathers done? Or do you use your thumb too?

  12. Your classic blue and white combination is strikingly gorgeous. I have always loved that color. My daughter at her wedding had her bouquet out of silk and paper flowers because she wanted that color and nature does not make many flowers in that tone. I am a big fan of checks so your border choice really struck my fancy, also. Cute, pretty wallhanging with lots of appeal...

  13. I love the churn dash, but the purple stars just makes my heart sing.

  14. Love your churn dash as well! I loved your response to the question of how long it takes to hand quilt! My Grandmother's Flower Garden has been on my design wall for about 3 years - and it will take as long as it takes to get done! Thank you for sharing your response on Sew Some Love at Kat and Cat Quilts!

  15. Thank you for your inspiration and link Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi Hug
