Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Nearly Insane & Solstice Challenge

I've been piecing more Nearly Insane blocks. There are 11 blocks in this row and I've completed 9 of them.

The two split blocks.

And the other blocks completed so far in this row.

Don't look at this block if you are a perfectionist. I found the mistake after I'd trimmed and removed the paper. I'm leaving it like it is.

I've pressed these blocks but the edges still curl.

A picture of the backside of block #47 before the paper is removed. Give it a good press, be careful, the paper gets HOT!
The front side before trimming. I always like to make the pieces for the outside extra long.

I found this yellow in another tub, pulled it out and used it in this block. The color is more brighter than the other yellows I've used but I like it.

Trimming to an exact 6-1/2". Using a 6-1/2" square ruler makes it easier.
Now the paper can be removed from the back. Never remove the paper before trimming or you will be very sad. 

And the block beside all the trimmings made while piecing.

I didn't like the block for week 6 of the Solstice Challenge so I made a 2nd block from the week 5 pattern, but made value changes.

I've decided not to participate in the Two Step mystery quilt. I'll be downloading the directions, but I just don't want to spend my time sewing a quilt if I'm not sure what she will look like. I know, that's the mystery in mystery quilts but I like to play it safe.

Linking to - Quilting is More Fun than Housework, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, Fiber Tuesday, Esther's Wednesday WOW!, Sew Fresh Quilts, WIP'S With Friends, My Quilt Infatuation, Finished Or Not FridayCrazy Mom Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, WIP's Be Gone


  1. I didn't see any mistakes ; they all look amazing to me !

    1. I got the corner sections mixed up. The hour glasses are going different directions.

  2. Oh wow these blocks look amazing. Love all your color combinations in them!

    1. Thank you. I'm not using any certain designer fabrics. I've pulled all my blues and a few yellows. I'm please with how she is looking.

  3. I love your Nearly Insane blocks......and color choices. You give me courage in deciding not to do Block 6 of the Soltice quilt. I am such a RULE follower....and that sometimes makes me stop a project when I don't like something and have yet another UFO. However, sometimes if I just wait and see how others have done a block, I can finally love it and finish it. This is Carrolyn...not Rod ....but can't figure out how to change that

    1. I'm thinking I'm not going to keep on doing this project. I think I'll stop when I get 12 blocks. I'll probably repeat more blocks. I like the rail fence block but I don't think it fits in, neither does that other block, the one kind of like a partial log cabin block. I used to be more of a rule follower, trying to make the quilt exactly as the pattern says. I've matured!

  4. I'm too near the sanity line to attempt Nearly Insane--but your work looks great. :)

    1. Thank you. PP'ing isn't for everyone but it sure make it easier.

  5. You're doing a great job with those blocks...

  6. Well done Gretchen. You'll have those Nearly Insane blocks finished in no time!

    1. My goal is to have the first half of the quilt pieced by the first of May. Two more rows to go after this one!

  7. You are the PP Queen Gretchen. Your oops is OK. I imagine if the block is PP that it is difficult to correct. All are pretty! Love the colors!

    1. It wouldn't have been that hard to switch the corners and if I would have seen it before I removed the paper, I would have changed them. There are just so many seams. I don't like to handle the blocks anymore than necessary before they're sewn into the row.

  8. Wow - I'm all admiration, Gretchen, for you fabulous work on the Nearly Insane. Love the colorway. Are the blocks all PP? THanks for linking to WIPs Be Gone.

    1. Yes everything has been pp except for the handles on baskets. Those I needle turned appliqued.

  9. visiting from crazy mum quilts. This looks amazing.

  10. I'd call the variant direction QSTs a design decision, not a mistake. :-) I'm totally with you on playing it safe with mystery quilts! Claire aka knitnkwilt.

  11. Your blocks are fantastic!!! So many fun blocks. I love them!

  12. Lovely blocks! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap! I have made a few of those blocks myself and are they ever challenging.
