Sunday, December 18, 2016

Vase of Rosebuds & Roses

I am so close to having all the applique blocks completed for the Pastor's Attic Quilt. This is a  Baltimore Album quilt written by Marsha Radtke. Here is a picture of the book and the fabrics before I started appliqueing.

The 21st block is finished, Vase of Rosebuds & Roses. Didn't she turn out lovely? I think this block might be my favorite block so far. She is the left bottom corner block.

In the center of the dark flowers I embroidered gold french knots. They didn't look right so I took them out then embroidered black french knots. They didn't look right either. Perfect circles to the rescue and they look perfect.

When I start one of the vase blocks, I always wonder if I can do it. I just stitch slowly, one stitch at a time and it comes together. I don't have a certain time frame that I try to get the block finished; thinking like that definitely leads to stress. This afternoon will be spent prepping the next block. 

Every year the Maple Leaf Guild provides a hand-quilted quilt for the Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale. We are in the process of quilting the 2017 quilt now. Last Wednesday Edith and I spent five hours quilting on opposite sides of the quilt and we were both able to roll 2 times! Wow, it really made the quilt smaller. This picture is when we started, I forgot to take one after we rolled.

This quilt is Sweet Surrender by Susanne Cody. The members of our guild either appliqued the blocks or foundation paper-pieced the alternate blocks, depending on each member's preference.

The lighting for the pictures wasn't the greatest. When I had the floor lamps on, there was such a glare in the photos that I took the pictures without the extra light. 

When she is completely quilted and bound, I'll get a good picture to share with you.

My fingers are very sore after 5 hours of quilting but the feeling of accomplishment is so wonderful.

A group of quilters, including me, are working on this quilt. I have all the applique blocks finished, just need to get the alternate blocks pieced. 

Linking to - Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, No linky party this week with Quilting is More Fun than Housework. (They've had an ice storm in  Eugene, Oregon and their electric is out. I hope they are warm and get their electric back on soon.), Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, Fiber TuesdayEsther's Wednesday WOW!, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, Crazy Mom Quilts, Show Off Saturday.


  1. Your group project is absolutely stunning!
    I have enjoyed the Pastor's Attic project throughout the year and the embellishments to this block are perfect indeed! :)

  2. Your applique is just gorgeous! Happy stitching. I keep watching for one of our public libraries in Ohio to have it yet. But it's on my wish list. Stay warm! It's all ice here in Ohio as well.

  3. love both of those quilts. I used that book of applique for 4 of the blocks that I made in my traditional red and green quilt and the blocks went perfectly with another book I used at that time.

  4. Sounds like you have had lots of stitching time this week! According to Kathy, you should be feeling very relaxed after all that handwork... Beautiful projects! Your group's donation quilt will be popular at the auction!

  5. How fun to be quilting a group project that you are also making yourself at the same time!
    It's such a gorgeous pattern and I can't wait to see your version in the 30s prints!

  6. I especially like the vase/pot on this one. Well done.

  7. What a pretty and colorful quilt. I can't imagine quilting for 5 hours at a time. I am usually toast after just one hour. Your applique block is very pretty. I am looking forward to seeing all those pretty blocks together.

  8. Again - your group has done an excellent job. Beautiful quilt!

  9. Love that Sweet Surrender quilt! Your 21st block is pure applique deliciousness. Merry Christmas!

  10. What a wonderful, colourful quilt. It must be so much fun to quilt with a group - and obviously time flies by! Your vase of rosebuds and roses is definitely one to be proud of, beautiful applique. Wishing you a very merry Christmas Gretchen :)

  11. Your applique block looks great! The group quilt is stunning!

  12. Dear Gretchen your 21st block is lovely, I zoomed in on it and it really is lovely. Your raffle quilt is one I have been in love with for a long time and MAY be I will start it in 2017. Merry Christmas Gretchen and thanks for sharing your quilting and farming life with me it has been such a joy to follow you. Hugs Glenda

  13. I love the attitude of that vase.
