Sunday, September 25, 2016

Crossed Laurel Leaves

Block 22, Crossed Laurel Leaves, of the Pastor's Attic Quilt is completed. This block was actually completed by last Sunday . . . but I didn't like it. I think the red and black fabrics overpower the leaves. 

Several of my friends saw this block. They thought it looked fine, but I just wasn't satisfied and thought I could do better.

So, I made another one and this block is much better looking.

Most of my blocks have the red/black/gold-beige combination. I have a few red & black blocks and some red & gold blocks, but this is the only beige & black block.

What do you think? Which block do you like best?

I was eager to see how long it would take me to applique this block because . . .

Hanging on a rafter, on the third floor of the Davis Merchantile in Shipshewana, is a Crossed Laurel Leaf quilt. I have looked at this quilt for years and wondered if I would have the patience to reproduce her. 

There are 20 blocks in this quilt. The two blocks I've made were both appliqued in seven days. If I could keep up that pace, I would have the blocks completed in 10 weeks, but we all know that won't happen. Maybe someday?

I'm not into the Row by Row craze that sweeps the quilting world in the summer. I just don't have the time to participate and most of the row blocks are overwhelming to me with the amount of machine applique involved.

However, Yoder Department Store's rows are for people like me. My favorite of their row's is the 2014 block. The 2014 block came in the four seasons and you could choose which season you wanted. I bought an  Autumn kit and sewed it up. It has been hanging in my kitchen since the fall of 2014.

We had guests last spring and the wife kept admiring the wallhanging. When I had purchased my kit, I had bought an extra one thinking this would make a nice gift for someone. I pulled out the leftover fabric from my block, and between the the leftovers and the new kit, I made these 2 rows, one for a gift, one for a spare gift.

I hope to machine quilt them this week. After the quilting is completed, I'll iron the felted wool applique onto the row.

Linking up to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Quilting is More Fun than Housework, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh QuiltQuilt StoryEsther's Wednesday WOW!, Mama Spark's World, Sew Fresh QuiltsMy Quilt Infatuation, Crazy Mom Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Show Off Saturday


  1. I am not into the row by row quilts either. Love the applique blocks - it is a lot of applique to do but a pretty quilt when done. I have never been to Shipshewana - in Indiana?

    1. Shipshewana is in northern central Indiana, LaGrange County. It's a lovely place to visit but it is very touristy if you come in the summer.

  2. I love both of your blocks. It will be nice to have color choices for your quilt. The other one can be a new quilt :)

    Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

    1. It seems that for every quilt I make, I make extra blocks. I stick all the leftover blocks in a tub. Someday, I'm going to sew them all together into a mixed up quilt. She extra block will go into that project.

  3. Hmm, I like both of those laurel leaf blocks but the original speak to me more. I can see why you may have wanted to change it though once you posted the quilt picture.

  4. I like them both, but the black in the middle with light on the ends speaks to me more... especially seeing the very pretty quilt it was inspired by. Maybe set a goal that is not too overwhelming - one block every week or every two weeks. That way you can add in other project whims and still keep this pretty one going? Good luck.

    1. This would definitely be a long term project, but I refuse to start another applique quilt until I finish this one. I get overwhelmed with too many long term projects.

  5. I like the block with the red leaves at the end of the stems.

    1. That block is pretty, but I just like the 2nd one better.

  6. I love both blocks, but I love the green one more :-)

  7. Oh yes, the second one is definitely better with the darker centre. Barbara Brackman has posted, somewhere, a similar quilt with green leaves in the centre and three red leaves at the ends. Apparently there is a real plant that grows that way. That Crossed Laurel quilt would be worth it!

    1. Someday, I have several applique projects I'm working on now. I think leaves applique fast. Thanks for the comments.

  8. I agree with you on the 2nd one, although it would not have looked bad to have the red/green together, but then there would be no contrast. The 2nd one will blend in great with the rest of the blocks!
    Hats off to you for re-doing. It really makes a difference if one takes the time to get the color mix right so the block will stand on its own. I agree on the Row by Row. EPP takes a lot of time also.
    Have a great day.

  9. Both blocks are lovely, though I like the red the best.

  10. That is a nice block. The emphasis of the red version is on the outer leaves which will change the overall impression. If you really want to reproduce the effect of the original, it might be better to use the other block. =)

  11. It's hard to choose between those two applique blocks, I really like both of them!

  12. Was just in Shipshewana last week. Great blocks! Thanks for linking up!

  13. I like both blocks but agree with Puppilalla about the effect they will give.
