Sunday, August 28, 2016

Pillowcases & Applique

Last week, if I had any down time during the day, I ran to my sewing machine and worked on the pillowcases. They're finished, all 15 of them. The fabrics include everything from Dr. Suess to breast cancer awareness fabrics. (I hope I never need to give those to someone!) I couldn't get all 15 on the clothesline at once but I am pleased they are completed. I do need to make one more set of cases, a king sized pair. I'll get to those in September.

In the evenings I worked on my applique blocks for the Pastor's Attic Quilt. I just realized, each block has a name (duh!).
I didn't have time to do a lot of prepping so I marked several blocks that I could do back-basting applique. I'm working on block 12 (because 11 has a LOT of pieces!) named Oak Leaves & Acorns. This week I should get 4 red oak leaves appliqued. 

A couple weeks ago the weather forecast was for rain. I had tilled some empty spaces in my garden then planted field radishes. We got rain; we've received a LOT of rain and the field radishes are up and growing.

The farmer has plowed the wheat field and we hope to sow it to alfalfa. Normally we seed our alfalfa by the middle of August, but this year is proving to be a challenging growing season for faming.

One of the perks of having grandparents who farm is riding in the tractor with grandpa. What is even better is when you are the only local grandchild old enough to ride in the tractor; you don't have to take turns!

And at the end of the day, you can say, it's been a good day, good job done.

I'm linking to - Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingQuilting is More Fun than Housework, Em's Scrapbag, Quilt StoryEsther's Wednesday WOW!, Sew Fresh Quilts, Crazy Mom Quilts, Show Off Saturday.


  1. the busy life of a farmer - for some reason I have never made a pillow case that I can remember I don't know why, I guess I should have a couple to match quilts but I usually go with white in quilts and have white pillow cases.

  2. LOVE all those pillowcases on the line and the two generations of farmers photos! I made some tube pillowcases a few Christmases ago for the grandkids and they are still enjoying them. I should make more one of these days ; seeing yours was fun.

    1. So far this year I've made 35 pillowcases, some in pairs, most individual. I'm prepared for Christmas (except the king sized pair). I've also given some for graduations, to older siblings when a baby is born and some "Just because I care". Everyone seems to enjoy them. They're quick and easy to make, the grands love them.

  3. What a lovely display on the line!! You reminded me that I need to make some pillowcases for my college boys. They may not change their sheets as often as at home, but the least I can do is make sure that they have plenty of pillowcases!!

  4. Your post brings back so many sweet memories of my grandparent's farm. Your pillow cases look great there in the breeze. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  5. I only tried back basting once and just a bit of it. Found it time consuming for stitching but maybe I did not give it an honest try.

  6. I like it best when there is a larger piece of fabric or if the applique is odd shaped and I can't use freezer paper. It works for me but it isn't for everyone.

  7. The pillow cases look fabulous on the line!
    And what a great photo of grandpa and grandchild... I'd frame that one!

  8. do you have a goal in mind with the pillowcases? I like your pictures, the last one is just classic.

    1. Many of the pillowcases will be Christmas presents for family. I've given several away this year to the older siblings of new babies. I like to have them on hand to give as a thinking of you gift. Some people give a quilt to someone when they've had a tragedy, I give pillowcases. I'm not fast enough to make a quilt for them.

  9. Your pillow cases are so neat! Wish I liked doing small projects....
    So glad you got rain. What a wonderful picture of your hubby and grandson after finishing a hard day's work at the farm. Lucky Lucky young man! Like your Pastor's block. When I started downloading and saving my Stonfields, I too realized that each had a name.........duh! Have a great day - we are getting some sprinkles and maybe more rain later today.

  10. Your pillow cases look so good on the line. I wish we would get some rain.

  11. I made pillowcases for all the grandchildren and my children one year. Seeing your post makes me want to make more!

  12. Do you have the dimensions for the king size pillow cases? I'd like to make some but i'm not sure on the numbers.

    1. I have a set of purchased king sized pillowcases. The body measures 35" and the cuff is 5". I'm going use 36" for the body which will finish pretty close to the 35". I'll cut the cuff at 13" like I normally do. The pillowcase will be a little longer than the purchased one, but that is ok. I sew the cuff onto the body then cut off the selvage. That will be my width. Have fun making them. They sew up fast when you aren't making 15 at a time.
