Monday, July 4, 2016

Sweet Surrender

I've finished the last 7 Sweet Surrender blocks!

I went with circles for the large flower.

Circles again.

I really like this block, one of my favorites. I used circles for the large flower. You can't see it, but I did use 2 different yellows but the fabrics are similar and don't show a difference.

Fussy cutting was used for the circles in this flower.

The large flower is the last of the EPP flowers I had fussy cut. I'm not pleased with the curly tail, but I am not redoing it.

This EPP block was made before I started Sweet Surrender using 1/2" hexies. I wanted to see if there was much difference between 1/2" and the 5/8" flowers. There was some difference but not a lot. I decided to go ahead and use this hexie flower. I don't like this curly tail either.

The last block! I am thinking of possibly adding some embroidery to the center of the large leaves. I am so glad the curly tail turned out nice on this block, a pleasant way to finish.

I'm putting this project away until fall, October or November. I need to copy the foundation paper piecing papers. I'm tired of this project for now and I'll be refreshed by fall.

I basted this little wallhanging for hand quilting. I plan to quilt all the stitch in the ditch stitching. When that is completed, I'll mark the detail quilting. It is fun to be quilting again, a nice change from the applique.

Linking up to - Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingQuilting is More Fun than Housework, Em's Scrapbag, Love Laugh Quilt, A Quilted Passion, Esther's Wednesday WOW!My Quilt Infatuation, Let's Bee Social, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Crazy Mom Quilts


  1. I like all the flowers made with circles. Very pretty.

  2. What beautiful applique blocks!

  3. Sweet Surrender is my next quilt so I am curious to follow what you have done. I like your circle flowers-I will probably use that in my quilt. I am not sure about the regular shaped hexies tho-I think I prefer the curved edge ones. i just love your fabric with its 30's look. I will be using Kate Spain so I will be using a colorful palette like you have. Have you done your triangles yet? i would love to see how they turned out.

    1. The regular hexies just add some variation to the quilt. No, I haven't pieced the triangles yet. I'll do that this fall. I look forward to seeing what your applique blocks look like. Blessings, Gretchen

  4. Your applique is so lovely, and the thirties fabrics feel so fresh and retro at the same time. I know what you mean about needing a break from a project like this. When you pull it out again in the fall hopefully you will feel excited and energetic about it again.

  5. Excellent work Gretchen! I certainly understand putting it away for awhile. I really do like the 1930's fabric and will probably use up mine (originally purchased for Farmers Wife 1930). I certainly understand the frustration with the curling stems. Those are frustrating. Probably will look OK when quilted. Assuming you will be hand quilting this one too next year! Have a great day

    1. As of now, I am NOT planning on hand quilting this quilt. Maybe I'll change my mind when I have the whole quilt top completed, we'll see. Foundation paper-piecing the pieced triangle blocks shouldn't take long at all but I'm planning on appliqueing the border, but my own design. I don't intend to use the pattern border.

  6. Your applique blocks are beautiful! Good job!

  7. Dear Gretchen how I love those wee Sweet Surrender blocks, I have a UFO quilt that has large empty centres and Im adding flowers in this space each time I see your lovely flowers here I think I must add more to my quilt and then forget about doing it LOL One DAY?????? Your wee blocks have been such a joy to see grow. Hugs Glenda

  8. Such a good idea to put a project away when you need a break from it. Just make sure you get it back out again, cause this is an amazing quilt! LOL

  9. These are so charming! Yes, sometimes we need a break from projects but you will come back to it with fresh eyes :)

  10. The applique is beautiful. I'm fascinated by the process, and would like to try a hand at it myself. :)
