Saturday, June 4, 2016

Three Finishes & Sweet Surrender

I've been in finish it up mode since I got the log cabin quilt top completed.

The hand quilting on my Fussy-cut Star quilt has been completed for several weeks. I finally got the binding and label attached. I EPP'd these stars in 2014 and finished sewing the top in 2015.  This was a sew along through Temecula Quilt Company.  I posted about my progress on Fussy Cut Fridays. 

The stitching doesn't show on the stars but that is what I intended. I want the stars to stand out.

The backside looks interesting since I used 4 different colors of thread. I didn't quilt the outside border very closely. I just can't see black thread on a dark fabric anymore. I'm actually surprised the quilting looks as good as it does, I thought the stitches might be too long.

And a close up of the quilted stars from the back.
The Resale Shop Crib Quilt has been quilted with my sewing machine. I started with a curve in one corner and just kept going back and forth, alternating the direction I sewed each curve. It lays flat! 

Pink flannel on the back makes this crib quilt nice and cozy.
And a close up of the front.

She was quilted with variegated thread to add some sparkle to the quilt.

I don't know what I'm going to do with this quilt. She will probably end up being donated to charity.

Several years ago I pieced this Amish crib quilt. I had seen a picture in a book about Amish quilts but it didn't turn out quite like I had envisioned and I was tired of it laying around. I decided it would be a practice quilt 

Before I started quilting the practice quilt, I practiced stippling on some scraps. I need a LOT more practice before I'm comfortable stippling a quilt, even one that is going to charity. This quilt was a practice quilt but the quilting practiced was quilting 'markings'. The clam shells and Baptist Fan quilting aren't as smooth as I would like, but they sure look a lot better than my first attempts.

I've completed 4 more Sweet Surrender blocks. The pattern calls for the hexie flowers to be fussy-cut, but most 30's fabrics don't lend themselves to that idea. I did come up with some fussy-cut flowers though.

This flower is cute but doesn't really WOW! me.

I do like this butterfly flower better.

I decided to do another yo-yo flower with this block. The yo-yo's add some depth to the blocks.

But this flower is my favorite so far. In my opinion, these circles make the best flower.

There is a Sweet Surrender facebook group who show the progress of their applique. I'm not a member, I just don't do facebook. At the Jane Stickle quilt retreat, a friend was showing me all the blocks people have posted on the site. Cindy was making her flowers with the circles. They were so pretty that I decided to go with the idea. You will be seeing more flowers made with this technique.

I'm linking up with - A Quilting Reader's GardenKathy's Slow Sunday StitchingQuilting is More Fun than Housework, Bits & Bobs, Em's ScrapbagLove Laugh Quilt, Super Mom - No CapeQuilt StoryEsther's Wednesday WOW!My Quilt Infatuation, Crazy Mom Quilts


  1. I love your Applique flowers! Nice quilt finishes too. I have four tops to be quilted right now. I hope to work on one of them today.

  2. Congratulations on some lovely quilt finishes and your applique blocks are fun to see! :)

  3. I love that Amish quilt!!! And your quilting!! Congratulations with all that beautiful finishes. I enjoyed it!! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Your applique flowers are very pretty. I really like all those pretty quilts that you have finished. The stars are gorgeous. I am inspired by your baby quilts to try some machine quilting. I have only quilted some placemats by machine.

    1. The first projects I machine quilted were placemats, some with clam shells and some with Baptiste Fan. I have come a long way since then.

  5. Your EPP quilt is just amazing! Congratulations on all the pretty finished!

  6. You have some lovely finished quilts, love the applique flowers, the butterfly and yo-yo flowers really do grab the eye.

  7. So many pretty finishes and lovely blocks! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  8. You've got all kinds of pretty going on! I've especially been admiring your Sweet Surrender blocks as you've been posting them.

  9. Love the stars quilt and the idea that you had for quilting the pink quilt is great - You did a good job on that one. Sweet Surrender is so pretty - this will be a beautiful quilt. I like the circle flowers also. Your colors are very bright and really pop. Like the yo-yo flowers also.
    Busy Busy Lady!

  10. I am watching your progress on Sweet Surrender (don't you just hate that name!). i will start mine soon and love seeing how yours in progressing. Love the 30's look. Mine will be in Kate Spain wild colors!

    1. I agree about the name of the applique blocks. I don't know what is Surrendering? I may rename this quilt when she is completed. I'll probably just call her something simple like My 30's Applique quilt. How does that sound? I need to give it more thought, but there is plenty of time. I'm looking forward to seeing your blocks.

  11. I followed the edge of the prior quilting as my mark, very simple. That I can do well. I was pretty pleased and I will be using this curve method again.

  12. Lovely work on everything, wow! The stars are awesome.

  13. Goodness me! You've been busy! I particularly like the quilting on your Amish quilt.

  14. Love your sweet surrender blocks! beautiful!

  15. All so beautiful - hard to pick a favorite. I like them all! Thanks for linking to WIPs Be Gone.

  16. Congratulaions on beautiful finishes - I love the quilting you did on the stars. Your applique blocks are just lovely too...

  17. Such lovely finishes. Lovely work.

  18. Oh my... that star quilt is so pretty and your hand quilting is beautiful!

    The Resale Shop Crib Quilt turned out lovely! Some little one is going to love cuddling with it for sure.

    Old projects that we're not totally pleased with a the perfect quilts to practice quilting on.

    And I love your applique project!

    Thanks so much for linking up to last week's Stitchery Link Party. Aloha hugs!
